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Please limit submissions to 8 images or less per designer.
You can use the form more than once for each designer.
Keep in mind that not every image is guaranteed to be published.
All images must be retouched and edited.
You can upload them through this form (max 15MB per image), or if your images are larger, please provide a link.
We don't accept images without the form submission or via any other upload service.
- JPEG format - 300 dpi
- No watermarks or borders
File naming:
Name files as follows:
Though not required, converting Digital RGB files to CMYK color profiles improves print output results. (To test, change your image profile from RGB to CMYK and see if there is a significant color change; if not, do not worry about changing color profiles. It mostly effects darker (K-black) images.)
By submitting your work, you confirm that:
The photographer owns all the rights, including copyright, necessary to submit this Photograph to (the)MAGAZINE and I understand that I am granting (the)MAGAZINE the rights to use it in the following ways:
• to publish in print, online and/or in digital format
• to publish it on social media (FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc) and on the (the)MAGAZINEwebsite, which shall include the Photographer's name.
By submitting your work, you need to:
Defend and indemnify the Publisher fully against all liabilities, damages, costs, debts, claims, and expenses which the Publisher may suffer or incur from a 3rd party claim where the material published infringes or misappropriate any third party proprietary or intellectual property as a result of the breach of the above clause.
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